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責(zé)任編輯:bp 發(fā)布日期:2020-12-22 16:55:28 來源:求學(xué)問校網(wǎng)



2021年上海成考高起點英語模擬真題及答案 (10)



1. A. result B. pulse C. suppose D. praise ( )

2.A.rather B.theory C.truth D.breath ( )www.ExamW.CoM

3.A.diamond B.object C.observe D.seldom ( )

4.A.foolish B.smooth C.prove D.foot ( )

5. A. concluded B.limited C. stupid D. encouraged( )



6. technique m medicine and surgery we have,_ patients we can save. ( )

A. The good; the man B. The better; the much

C. The better; the more D. The best; the more

7. _ nearly six years since I started to study English. ( )

A. It was B. There are

C. It is D. There have been

8. -Mary cares little about money. ( )外語學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

A. So do I B.I am, too C. Not do I D. Neither do I

9. Hardly _ down than the bell rang. ( )

A. had I sat B. did I sat C. I had sat D. I did sit

10. --Do you think I can use your dictionary? ( )

A. Yes, you may use B. Yes, you can

C. Yes, help yourself D. Certainly, go on

ll.If only she _ her necklace that night. ( )

.A. didn't lose B. wouldn't lose C. hadn't lost D. hasn't lost

12. His suggestion o see the exhibition interested every one of us. ( )

A. that we go B. which we should go中 華 考 試 網(wǎng)

C. that we would go D. when we go

13. Your mother must be at home, _ she? ( )

A.mustn't ' B.doesn't C.isn't D.needn't

14. I want to go to the doctor, but you _ _ with me. ( )

A. need not to go B. do not need go

C. need not go D. need go not

15. I haven't got _ money now. Can you please save the book for me till tomorrow?( )

A. any B. some C.little D. a little

16. _ makes mistakes must correct them. ( )

A. Who B. No matter C. Whoever D. Ever who.

17. -Did you write to Lily recently?

-No, butI _ her at a meeting this weekend. ( )

A. am seeing B. will have seen C. saw D. had seen

18. The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. ( )

A.what B.which . C.that D.it

19. -1 usually go there by train.

-Why not _ by boat for a change? ( )

A. to try going B. trying to go

C. to try and go D. try going

20._ this street and you_ _ there. ( )

C. Follow; will get D. Follow; get



At a country house in India, there once lived a young elephant which was a pet to the people.It used to come into the dining-room after dinner and asked 21 food from the visitors. One day, when a large party of visitors were 22 at the table, the elephant came round and put its trunk 23 the visitors, begging for fruit or bread. One gentleman, 24 , instead of putting any food into the trunk, took his fork and 25 the little_lephant away with a stab(戳). The animalleft him quietly and went t0 26 visitors, one after another, who treated it 27 , because they thought a gentleman should not treat an animal in such a rude way.

When it had finished its round of the table, it went out into the garden, 28 a large branch off a tree, returned with it to the room again. The animal went 29 to the gentleman who had stabbed its trunk with a fork and shook the 30 0ver his head.In a moment he was covered with ants(螞蟻) which came down from the branch. The ants 31 his hair, some running down his neck. Hard 32 he tried, he couldn't get rid of the ants. All the other visitors 33 when they saw the gentleman in such a difficult situation 34 they thought since he had been rude to the animal he should be _ 35 in this way.

21.A.about B.of C.on D.for ( )

22.A.sitting B.smiling C.looking D.arriving ( )

23.A.behind B.beside C.by D.between ( )

24.A.however B.thus C.therefore D.yet ( )

25.A.brought B.took C.pulled D.sent ( )

26.A.other B.another C.some D.ariy ( )

27.A.seriously B.badly C.kindly D.easily ( )

28.A:fetched B.cut C.struck D.broke ( )

29.A.by B.straight C.away D.out ( )

30.A.fork B.food C.branch D.tree ( )

31.A.worried B.played C.moved D.filled ( )

32.A.as B.while C.however D.since ( )

33.A.cried B.shouted C.agreed D.laughed ( )

34.A.until B.although C.because D.unless ( )

35. A. kicked B. punished C. beaten D. rejected ( )




Have you ever felt your mind falling into disorder after a sleepless night? You couldn't come up with an original thought no matter how hard you tried.

You were probably right if you thought that was caused by a lack of sleep. Dr. Home,a sleep researcher in England, studied 24 college students. One group got their normal eight hours of sleep. The other group didn't get the smallest amount of sleep-they stayed awake all night. The next day, Dr, Home tested the students. He asked them question that required creative and original thinking. One of the questions was "How many uses can a cardboard box be put to?"

The result? The wide-awake students did well on the test. The tired students did poorly.

Research has already shown that tired people can do OK on tests of habitual thinking,like simple addition But Dr. Home tested creative thinking only.

As part of his study, he offered an amount of money as reward to the sleepy students if they did well. But even this encouragement was not enough to help the students conquer their tiredness. They did poorly. Dr. Home believes that the part of the brain where thinking takes place may becomes very tired during waking hours. Sleep may help to repair the brain. "Without any sleep," he emphasizes(強調(diào)), "even if you pay closer attention, you can't do better. "

This study gives people something to think about, especially like hospital workers who must stay awake all night and then make quick decisions.

36.It can be known from the text that lack of sleep may _. ( )

A. be a cause of some serious diseases

B. cause one to lose his ability to calculate

C. do harm to one's power of usual thinking

D. weaken one's power of creative thinking

37. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? ( )

A. Hospital workers can think well although they often stay awake all night.

B. People can not work well without good sleep.

C. Dr. Home's tests are on habitual thinking.

D. Sleep has nothing to do with creativity.

38. The underlined word "conquer" can be replaced by _ ( )

A. take off B. break out C. give off D. get over

39. Why couldn't the reward offered in the study attract the sleepy students? ( )

A. Because they were too tired and too sleepy.

B. Because they did not care for money at all.

C. Because they thought sleep might help to repair the brain.

D. Because they waited for bigger rewards.


It's important to learn about protecting environment. Here is 5R rule for us:

1. Reduce

If you want to reduce waste, you should use things wisely. A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper. If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out, soon we would not have anv trees left. Other things are also being wasted.and DeODle don'tknow what to do with the waste in big cities. So it is necessary to reduce the waste.

2. Reuse

You should always think of reusing the usable things before throwing them out. Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.

3. Recycle

Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled. By doing so, we save lots of time and money. For example, coke cans are sent to a factOry, where they are smashed flat and melted, and the metal things are made for new coke cans.

4. Recover

When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few rotten apples, you have two choice: one is to throw the whole apples away, or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts.In this way, you are recovering the eatable parts of food.

5. Repair

If one of the legs of your table is broken, you can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair. It is true that North America is a "throw-away" society,but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment.

Every one of us should try our best.

40. The "Reduce" rule mainly requires us _ . ( )

A. to use things wisely

B. to cut down many trees

C. to use a lot of paper .

D. to throw away your old things

41. What's the right order of recycling coke cans? ( )

a . collect the used cans b. melt them

c. smashed them flat d. send them to a factory

A.abcd B.adcb C.dbca D.cabd ( )

42. The "Recover" rule mainly requires us - .

A. to throw waste things away B. to cover waste things with earth

C. to get back the useful parts D. to throw the whole things away

43. Which is the best way to do with your own broken tables? ( )

A. Throwing them away. B. Repairing them

C. Selling them. D. putting them away.


My name is Mary. I am an office worker in a large company. I live in a small village about seven miles from my office. It takes me half an hour to drive to work and another ten minutes to park my car. I sometimes leave my car at home and take the train, but only on very cold winter days when there is ice on the roads. I always leave home at eight o'clock.

One morning on Friday, I was late for work. Many people were late for work on that terrible day. The first signs of trouble had occurred in the evening while I was in the village bar with my husband Peter. There were very high winds, far stronger than normal for the time of the year. As we made our way home, we were nearly blown over.

Back at home, we turned on the TV in our bedroom but the picture was not clear. The wind blew hard on the windows. Luckily our new double-glass was able to bear it, but hal an hour later as we lay in bed, we thought that the whole front wall was about to give away.

We held our breath. We drew the thick curtains. The angry wind was uprooting trees, overturning cars and destroying buildings. Just before two in the morning, we finally managed to fall sleep.

44.Who tells the story? . ( )

A. A boy. B. A girl. C. A man. D. A woman.

45. When does Mary usually arrive at work? ( )

A. At eight o'clock. B. At half-past ten.

C. At twenty to nine. D. At twenty past nine.

46. The main idea of the passage is about _ * ( )

A. the writer's office work B. an unusual strong wind

C. The writer's lucky experience D. many people's being late for work


Mr. White worked in an office. He had neither a wife nor children. And he lived in an old house alone. He liked nothing but drinking. He almost spent all his money on drinks.

Sometimes he was hungry, because he even had no money to buy food. So he had to borrow some money from his workmates.

One evening he met a friend of his in the street. The man asked him to have dinner in a restaurant. He was very happy and drank a lot. When they left there at midnight, he could hardly stand. The friend had to stop a taxi and asked the diver to take him home. Soon they arrived at the door of his house. With the help of the driver he got out of the taxi.

"Thank you, sir. " said Mr. White. "Now I can open the door myself. "

The taxi went away, but Mr. White couldn't put his key into the keyhole. He was trying to do it when a policeman came.

"Can I help you?" asked the policeman.

"Thank you, sir", said Mr. White," The house is circling now. If you can stop it moving, I can open the door myself. "

47. Sometimes he was hungry because ( )

A. he spent all his money on drinks and had no money to buy food

B. he had no work

C. his boss didn't pay him any money

D. he was very poor

48. From paragraph 2 we know that _ .( )

A. Mr. White drank a lot that evening

B. Mr. White paid for the bill that evening

C. his friend took home that evening

D. his friend drank a lot too

49. They left the restaurant _ .( )

A. at ten o'clock B. at twelve o'clock at night

C. after twelve o'clock at night D. at twelve o'clock at noon

50. Mr. White couldn't open the door because ( )

A. the keyhole was too small B. he drank too much

C. TFLe house was moving C. it was not his house




Mrs. Wilson: Hello, this is Alice.Is Dr. Green there?

Dr. Green: Yes,_


Mrs. Wilson: Dr. Green, sorry to call you up at this time of the day. But my husband is

very sick.I am rather worried.-- 一?


Dr. Green: Yes, certainly.一 一?It will help me to


decide what to prepare before I come.

Mrs. Wilson: Well,I can't tell exactly, but--


Dr. Green: All right then. Don't worry. Keep him in bed.


Mrs. Wilson: I'll do that, Dr. Green. See you soon.

Dr. Green: See you.









提示:panda:熊貓;naughty:淘氣;rare:稀有.be polite to sb.:對人有禮貌



1.B pulse中字母s的發(fā)音是[s],其他都是[z]。

2.A rather中字母th的發(fā)音是[胡,其他都是[e]。

3.B object中字母o的發(fā)音是[。],其他都是[a]。

4.B smooth中字母oo的發(fā)音是[u:],其他都是[u]。




7.C參考譯文:自從我學(xué)英語以來差不多有六年了。含有smce的句型:It is+-段時間+ since- - -…。

8.D 參考譯文:--瑪麗不在乎錢。--我也如此。此題考查倒裝句。前句用little,為否定意義,所以后句要用否定形式,……也不,用neither.A只能用于肯定句;B中的too應(yīng)改成either;C沒有這種表達。


10.C 參考譯文:--我能用你的字典嗎?--當(dāng)然可以。此題為英語交際用語。符合英語習(xí)慣。A use后應(yīng)該加it;B不符合習(xí)慣;D go on意思是繼續(xù),應(yīng)該用go ahead。

11.C參考譯文:要是她那天晚上沒丟項鏈就好了。if only引導(dǎo)的句子用虛擬語氣,與過去事實相反的用過去完成時態(tài)。




15.A參考譯文:我現(xiàn)在沒錢了。你能幫我把這本書留到明天嗎?A any用于否定句,Bsome用于肯定句,C little本身就是否定意思,D a little是肯定意思,與原句不符。

16.C參考譯文:無論誰犯了錯誤都要改正。Whoever用于引導(dǎo)主語從句。A引導(dǎo)定語從句,不能在此處做主語;B no matter引導(dǎo)狀語從句;D不存在。

17.A 參考譯文:--你最近見過莉莉嗎?--沒有,但是這個周末開會時候我會見到她。進行時表示將來的動作。


19.D參考譯文:--我通常會坐火車去那。--為什么不坐船嘗試著改變一下呢?考查固定搭配why not+動詞原形(建議做某事),try +doing(試著做某事)。

20.C參考譯文:沿著這條街走你就會到那了。動詞原形開頭的是祈使句,后邊用and/or you will (not)。


21.D本題考查固定短語搭配。ask for要……東西,向客人要吃的。其他都不能與ask -起搭配。

22.A 本題考查四個選項的詞義。Asitting at the table坐在桌旁吃飯;B微笑;C看;D到達。根據(jù)語境,應(yīng)該是坐在桌旁吃飯。


24.A 本題考查四個選項的詞義。Ahowever前后都有逗號,意思是“然而,但是”;B這樣,因此;C因此;D然而,但是。根據(jù)語義及however在句中的特點,選A。

25.D本題考查固定搭配,send away趕走,其他不能搭配。

26.A 考查不定代詞的用法。A othervlsitors其他的客人們;B another后不能跟復(fù)數(shù)名詞;C some -些,在文中意思不夠明確;Dany用于否定句或疑問句。


28.D本題考查四個選項的詞義。brokea large branch off the tree,從樹上折下一個大樹枝;A去拿來;后面不能跟off a tree;B大象不會砍下來樹枝;C打擊;D broke打破。

29.B考查搭配詞組的不同意思。A goby經(jīng)過(時間);B go straight to sb.直接向某人走去;C go away走開;D go out出去。








36.D推理判斷題。短文第三段說出了實驗的結(jié)果即由于不睡覺而困乏的人表現(xiàn)很差。注意:該段中的“the widerawake students”指的是實驗時清醒的(.wide-awake)實驗對象,而非上文所說的“不睡覺的人”( stayedawake)。


38.D詞義理解題。Dr. Home實驗的目的是看看通過獎賞是否能夠讓學(xué)生克服困難,出色表現(xiàn),所以選D。take off意為“脫掉,起飛”.break out意為“爆發(fā)”;give off意為“發(fā)出”。





43.B細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由5R開頭句子得知。If one of the legs of your table is broken,you can repair it。

44.D細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由文中my husband可得知。



47.A細(xì)節(jié)理解題。第一段中得知答案。Sometimes he was hungry, because he even hadno money to buy food。

48.A主旨推理題。描述的情形“couldhardly stand”說明他喝多了。



五、補全對話51. speaking/Dr. Green speaking/This is Dr. Green speaking52. Could you come to my (our) home53. What's the matter with him/What's wrong with him54. he has a fever (temperature) and aterrible (bad) headache/he's running a fever and having a terrible(bad) headache55.I'11 be there (in your house) in a fewminutes (in a moment/soon/immediately/rightnow)參考譯文:

Mrs wilson:你好,我是Alice。格林醫(yī)生在嗎?


Mrs wilson:格林醫(yī)生,很抱歉這個時間給您打電話。我丈夫病了,我很擔(dān)心。您能來我家嗎?

Dr. Green:好的,當(dāng)然可以。他哪兒不舒服了?這有助于我去之前知道準(zhǔn)備什么。

Mrs wilson:我不能說的很準(zhǔn)確,他發(fā)燒了,頭很疼。

Dr. Green:好的,別著急。讓他躺在床上。我一會就到。

Mrs wilson:好的,格林醫(yī)生,待會兒見。

Dr. Green:待會兒見。


Welcome to Beijing Zoo

The Beijing Zoo is one of the largest zoos in the north of China. There are hundreds of kinds of animals in it. We sce dozens of yellow, green, orange and brown birds, which can sing nice songs. We can see big and small monkeys running and jumping very actively just like naughty children. The elephants, each with a long trunk and big cars, are very kind to people. Especially our panda, which are rare animals, always interest the visitors very much They have good manners, and are polite and friendly to all the visitors. We'll certainly have a good time here.









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